A Case Study
I have had the privilege of accompanying a few patients through chemotherapy. I would like tell you a bit about Madame L., 55 years old full of energy, a teacher full of heart.
It started with digestive issues: stomach ache/cramps, constipation and one day blood in his stool. After more detailed examinations, the diagnosis: cancer of the rectum, metastases in the liver!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ouffffff. She's a very clear and straightforward person and she knew right away that she didn't just want "conventional" treatment. She had heard of me and we met. Now, for 2 months I have been accompanying him in his steps.
Today she came and she noticed that without her abdominal acupuncture (AA) sessions, she feels more tired and her fingers are "numb". Her decision and visits to my office are now 2 days before chemo and 4 days after. But this week, she couldn't come before her 3rd chemo.
His description of his condition: loss of sensation and "ants" in his fingers, enormous fatigue, no appetite. She eats congee (rice soup) and chicken soup with Dan Gui. It suits him. Today's session was: the "lotus" around the umbilicus for 10 minutes and after the combination "bringing the Qi to its source" + Rn 13 and Rn 17, plus E 25 and Rte 15.
The Lotus Flower
The use of the “lotus” is an additional tool that I appreciate very much. This technique allows me to slowly lift the Qi and sometimes that's all I do during a session. Minimalist and efficient!
Abdominal Acupuncture is not the only method in my practice, but I admit I like it and my patients too.